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This repository contains a solution to the CAMELYON16 challenge. The goal of this challenge is to develop an algorithm to detect cancer in digital slides of lymph node tissue.


To detect the presence of cancer on a slide containing lymph node tissue, a pathologist must spend a great deal of time analyzing the specimen under a microscope. This task is time consuming and subject to human error. With advancements in deep learning, an automated solution could be developed to analyze slides more efficiently and objectively.

Medical Background

Lymph node metastases occur in most cancer types (e.g. breast, prostate, colon). Lymph nodes are small glands that filter lymph, the fluid that circulates through the lymphatic system. The lymph nodes in the underarm are the first place breast cancer is likely to spread. Analyzing the tissue of the lymph node can therefore be used to detect breast cancer. (source)


Data Creation


Base Model

Base Model + Data Augmentation

Fine-tuned Base Model

2-Zoom Model



Future Work
